Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Gillian Black, Professor of Scots Private Law, University of Edinburgh
Alison Edmondson, Director SKO Family Law Specialists
Now in its eighth year, Professor Gillian Black and Alison Edmondson return with their definitive Family Law review seminar. They will provide comprehensive coverage of the legal developments from Spring 2024 - Spring 2025 on the following topics in Scots law:
The session will also include a "news round-up", covering the latest policy developments and legislation, including key English developments.
Presented by two experts in this area of law, this seminar will include a comprehensive set of accompanying materials. In each session, the final 30 minutes at the end of the seminar will allow time for questions and discussion amongst the speakers and audience.
Learning Outcomes and Objectives
The learning outcomes and objectives are that by the end of the seminar delegates will have (i) a sound knowledge and understanding of major developments in Scots family law which occurred between Spring 2024 and Spring 2025; (ii) an appreciation of how these developments could and should influence their practice; and (iii) an indispensable set of source materials for easy reference following the seminar.
The seminar fee includes two hours CPD and accompanying materials*. Light refreshments are also included during registration of our in person seminars.
*A paper copy of the materials will be available at registration for those attending the in-person seminar. Those joining the Zoom seminar will receive an electronic version of the materials however a paper copy can be purchased at the time of booking.
If you are booking 6 or more places on our 2024 seminars (excludes workshops which are already heavily discounted), you are entitled to the discounted rate of £50 plus VAT (£60) on the 6th and subsequent places. The discounted fee is only applicable to multiple bookings from the same organisation, as part of one booking order.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us following the link below
Gillian Black, Professor of Scots Private Law, University of Edinburgh
Alison Edmondson, Director SKO Family Law Specialists
Copyright © 2024 Edinburgh Law Seminars - All Rights Reserved. Edinburgh Law Seminars Limited is a company registered in Scotland with company number SC482238. Our registered office is 58 Morrison Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8BP.